How To Optimize Your WordPress Website For Mobile Users?

optimize your WordPress website

How To Optimize Your WordPress Website For Mobile Users?

As more and more small business owners prefer to choose WordPress design services, you wonder why there’s so much demand for this platform? It’s because nearly more than half of Internet traffic comes from mobile optimized wordpress websites.

Now you know in this pandemic period with many States going into lockdown, audience find no other option other than browsing on smartphones mostly to buy their needs online.

Having a smartphone is an asset now and you can use it for your travelling, communication, shopping and so much more.

There are more than 6.2 billion gadgets in use globally as of 2021 and these include pcs, tablets, and mobile phones.

Mobile devices have become increasingly part of our lives and their usability is increasing day by day as new conveniences with technologies are being added.

For example, we never knew what an app was a few years ago?  Now, there are millions of apps available for iphone and Android users.

Apps provide easy access to products and services.

Therefore, with consumers in view, there is so much progress in building websites, apps and the technical aspects of UI and UX are largely applied to optimize your wordpress website.

Among many CMS platforms that are available, WordPress has been proving to be a valuable and robust platform for configuring both simple and complex websites.

With the help of custom wordpress design service, your small business website is designed with appropriate content, images, videos, while adding about us, home page and other menu tabs depending on your requirement.

One of the big advantages of WordPress, with hundreds of free and premium templates available, you can pick a template depending on your business niche and arrange all of the website elements applying UX and content design.

Although WordPress is simple and user-friendly, there are many aspects you need to consider and there is a specific requirement of WordPress skills to use plugins.

But here’s a big question. How to optimize your wordpress website?

Tip 1:

Use mobile-friendly themes

WordPress design services give an emphasis to use mobile themes. A mobile theme makes it easy to go for a mobile optimized website. 

Some of the important mobile-friendly themes are:

Twenty fourteen:

Responsive, attractive, twenty fourteen default themes are ideal for many websites. It offers numerous menu configurations to fit on any size screen.

Total Theme

This top selling theme is a great way to mobile optimize your website across a variety of mobile devices.

The responsive theme adjusts automatically to the browser window and also adds custom mobile options.


The pineapple theme is another excellent theme which makes use of a mobile responsive design.


Operating an e-commerce site, Mayashop is a great option that works seamlessly with the Mayashop theme. 

Optimizing a wordpress website for mobile users brings plenty of advantages: it allows easy click to launch a website or app on your mobile phone, but it also allows faster access to the website.

Tip 2:

Use Plugins

Among the tips to optimize wordpress websites for mobile users is to use plugins. 

Plugins make your job of browsing much easier and more streamlined. Plugins provide plenty of benefits and make the site mobile friendly.

Custom wordpress design service spends time and effort in focusing on the actual content on your site to make the plugins work with a purpose.

How to optimize website for mobile 

Website speed optimization wordpress

Tip 3:

Responsive site 

When you make the site responsive to the device, it appears on the device screen appropriately. 

A responsive design to your site means it gets customized automatically irrespective of the source a viewer is visiting from.

Finding a responsive WordPress theme to suit your website’s style helps site’s platform. 

Tip 4:

Use of Graphics 

Another tip to optimize your wordpress website, it is important to understand the size of the device’s screen.

As the mobile screen size was very small in the beginning, mobile companies are making the mobile screens bigger and bigger, you may even think that someday graphics will play a dominating role. 

It is also true that too much use of graphics can cause slow load time and this is a no-no for mobile surfers.

Most useful for ecommerce sites, shoppers dislike to be bombarded by ads and website product content  and they want to make the purchase more quicker and efficient. 

Tip 5:

Choose Text carefully

Apart from using a minimum of graphics, you need to minimize text as well. On the small screen, they have  very limited space and sometimes it becomes important to know what you are selling or writing about. 

Therefore, keeping the text sharp and focused on the product becomes much more important.

Conclusion :

Website speed optimization wordpress highly depends on all of your components that you apply like plugins, text, graphics and much more. 

The effective way of making your wordpress mobile optimized is by choosing one of the best themes followed by other requirements.

Since mobiles are playing a major role, it is essential that you optimize your wordpress site to the mobile and do it carefully.

In the long term process, certainly you would be achieving the best results as an ecommerce site or any other. 

Sometimes, trial and testing also comes as an alternative, where you test themes, and other tips and check to see whether they are working for your website. Following these tips to optimize wordpress websites for mobile users not only add benefits but also help your business to website speed optimization wordpress.

This is vital for your business to generate not only fast traffic, but also to do inbound marketing, sales leads and much more. This is qualified leads and scope to grow sales.

When you choose wordpress design services, you’ll be able to follow it up well and also understand the working pace of mobile performance in the small business sector. This being very important, it is necessary to understand the steps involved in mobile optimization and follow it carefully.

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